Sedation Dentistry

General and Cosmetic Dentistry located in West Covina, CA

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry services offered in West Covina, CA

The overwhelming fear of dental appointments can be a common cause of anxiety. At Queens Dental Group in West Covina, California, AJ Suchak, DDS, and Om Suchak, DDS, and the team offer sedation techniques to relieve any pain, anxiety, and fear you may experience visiting the dentist. Call or schedule an appointment at the Los Angeles-area practice online today to learn more about sedation dentistry.

What is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry uses medications and relaxation techniques to reduce dental anxiety. These techniques help worried patients get the care they need. While most sedatives allow you to remain awake during your procedure, they calm anxiety enough to minimize your consciousness. 

You may not be aware of your surroundings under sedation, allowing you to focus your attention elsewhere. 

Who needs sedation dentistry?

Many people can benefit from sedation dentistry, particularly if you have a fear of the dentist. The team may recommend sedation dentistry if you have a fear of:

  • Gagging
  • Injections
  • Loss of control
  • Not becoming numb when injected with Novocain
  • Pain
  • Dental drills

Sedation dentistry may also relieve your discomfort if you struggle to sit still for long periods.

Are there different types of sedation dentistry?

Queens Dental Group offers several types of sedation dentistry, including:

Nitrous oxide

Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is a mild sedative that you inhale along with oxygen. A nasal mask delivers a steady stream of nitrous oxide throughout your procedure. You may feel light, euphoric, even giggly while using this sedative.

Nitrous oxide is the only form of sedation you can take and still drive yourself home. Its effects develop quickly and resolve within minutes of removing the mask. 

Oral sedation

If you’re fearful of needles, you can take a sedative orally. Oral sedation is a moderate form that you take about one hour before your procedure. While you remain awake, the sedative dulls your senses. Most patients don’t remember any pain, discomfort, noise, or sound after their procedure.

You must coordinate a ride home if you opt for oral sedation. Many patients feel lightheaded and dizzy after taking oral sedatives.

IV sedation

Intravenous (IV) sedation delivers medication directly into your bloodstream. IV sedation takes effect quickly and may cause you to fall asleep during your procedure. Most patients remember nothing from their procedure. Along with coordinating a ride home, the team may recommend asking a trusted friend or relative to monitor you briefly.

After a consultation, the team can recommend the right type of sedation for your medical history, procedure, and level of anxiety, 

Call Queens Dental Group today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about sedation dentistry.